How Pre-Order Works

Pre-Order Voucher: How does it work?

After many requests, our website now offer you the possibility to pre-order your favorite Iron Studios statue in Europe! Each pre-order voucher guarantees your reservation and priority spot in the final purchase of the product according to the following rules:

  • The Voucher is a digital product and cannot be exchanged or refunded after 14 calendar days of purchase. By paying a fraction of the advertised product (see respective values directly of the pre-orders’ page), we guarantee the reservation and priority in the purchase of the product selected on the moment of the pre-order purchase.
  • Estimated value: when you place your pre-order we inform the estimated price (in dollars). Upon arrival of the product, it will be converted into your local currency. The initial price may vary due to exchange rate, logistical, tax issues, etc. If the variation is greater than 10% of the suggested initial value, considering the dollar exchange rate on the day of arrival, the buyer may withdraw from the purchase and receive a refund of the amount paid for the voucher.
  • Each voucher represents a product. Please, carefully select the product you wish to purchase. You will not be able to use the credit acquired on other products.
  • The voucher is personal and non-transferable. At the moment of the pre-order, you must provide a valid email and personal Document Number. This information will be used to access the product’s page when it becomes available.
  • The Voucher guarantees the reservation of the product for 5 calendar days counting from our notification sent by email to the buyer.
  • Estimated product arrival: at the moment of the pre-order voucher purchase, we inform the estimated quarter/year of arrival of the final product. The deadline is just an estimate and the product could arrive before or after the period stipulated. Only if the product’s arrival is delayed for more than six (6) months from the scheduled arrival date, the buyer may withdraw the reservation and receive a refund of the amount paid for the voucher.
  • Estimated cost of the product: at the moment of the pre-order voucher purchase, we will inform the final value of the product. When the product arrives, the buyer will have 5 calendar days to access the product’s page and pay the outstanding price amount (Product + Shipping). The amount paid for the pre-order voucher will be deducted on checkout.
  • If the buyer doesn't make the purchase within five calendar days of our notification that the product is available, the product will be released for sale to the general public. You will lose preference and reservation rights, and you will be able to use your credit regarding the amount previously paid for the pre-order only if we still have that product in stock. If, after the 5 calendar days that we guarantee reservation, the product gets sold out, you will lose the amount previously paid for that pre-order, without possibility of refund or using it as a credit on other products.
  • It is the buyer's responsibility to inform the correct email address to receive all the updates about the product arrival status.
  • The effective delivery of the product will start from the final product purchase date and will follow the shipping estimated time for your area.
  • When the product sale starts, the buyer is not obligated to complete the purchase, but the amounts paid for the pre-order voucher will not be refunded.
  • Returns:
    o Returns are accepted if the buyer notifies Iron Studios of the product of the intention to return the product within 14 calendar days of receipt of the product.
    o We will refund the product value except for the pre-order voucher value.
    o The voucher value is nonrefundable in the event of the return of a product.

These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice from time to time in our sole discretion.

Questions or concerns, please contact us at